The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
—Albert Einstein
Intuition is vague and interesting: it represents the insight of understanding without reflection or rational thought processing. However, this is usually seen as unreliable, unscientific and irrelevant to the “real world”, simply because it is difficult to investigate and qualify. No wonder why many of us have lost touch with it, and why kids tend to have more intuition than adults do: we’ve been educated in a way that places rational thinking (and the materialism that accompanies it) forward.

As many of us know, herbs do have special healing powers. And I’m not “just” talking about pot here …but all kinds of herbs around you. Their scent in particular, can tap into special emotions – so there’s no wonder why aromatherapy is a thing! When you smell something, it can take you back to a time in your life or give you certain clues and ideas. That’s one more way to speak directly to your intuition and bring back emotions to the surface, which can be a vehicle to create. So give them a shot. Try to use certain plants that are native to your area or where you grew up, and use them as aromatherapy or simply as tea. Then, find the herbs that make you feel “at home” and make them part of your every day.
A couple of my favourite herbs of all time are oregano and rosemary. They will always remind me of those warm summers in Greece, of the food, the good company and driving around the beach. So they always spark deep emotions whenever I just rub them in my hands and smell the goodness. After that, it really feels like all my senses are heightened and my brain starts processing new ideas.

→ Try divination tools
Now we’re getting mystical – and that’s where it gets interesting. Divination tools work on the principle that nothing is just a “pure coincidence” and that everything can be interpreted as a sign to connect to your truth. Everything is connected, and our consciousness is in fact one with the universe. So when we set the intention to receive guidance and open ourselves up to doing so, we always will.
This can be particularly interesting if you are looking to minimize the noise and gain some clarity in your life, as well as understand what your deeper purpose is meant to be. In that sense and once again through the drive of your intuition, this can help you fire up your creativity in a completely unexpected yet grounding way.
Although I have not yet tried many divination tools (and I admit being a complete beginner with this), I got pulled into it when I stumbled upon the Serpentfire Tarot. This is an incredibly beautiful deck of cards created by talented artist Devany Wolfe and I’m so happy to have found out about it. She describes it as the culmination of 8 years of artistic and spiritual work …and it is undeniably so. Every image just speaks to me in such a deep way and I can’t wait to continue using it and see what it reveals. I highly recommend you give it a go! Devany is also about to release another amazing deck called the She Wolfe Tarot. I love to follow its progress as well as all of Devany’s musings on her instagram account. She, herself is a huge source of inspiration for me!
It is the nature of intuition to spark and guide creativity, and it is an essential ingredient for anything new in the “real world” to happen at all.